Greetings everyone!
You’ve been praying. We’ve seen God at work in lives!
The man who was freed from alcohol addiction several months ago, continues to lead his family into their new life. They are in the Word daily and so excited about God! They’re sharing with others in the community what He’s done for them. ( healing of a long-standing feud; a love for others still addicted; the miraculous provision of a check in the exact amount of a weighty debt owed, and more!) Please continue to pray for God’s provision and protection for them.
Dave is home from the hospital. His health is still tenuous and several people have reminded him that he’s received “one more chance.” He freely admits to being an alcoholic but also he believes [the lie] that he can keep his addiction at bay by drinking “just one or two beers a day.” He’s said he’ll drop by the Monday meeting, but so far hasn’t.
We haven’t connected with Karen for some time and can’t give an update right now.
A young mother has admitted her addiction to pills and asked for help–but so far hasn’t been able to overcome the resistance to follow through with a meeting.
There is more light in Manny’s eyes and much less hopeless / helpless and bizarre talk. He got his dishwashing job back for 2 days per week. We’re so thankful for your prayers–and for the churches in Craig who have been feeding Manny.
These are snapshots of individuals that God loves. And that we love.
They may not ever connect with Eagles Wings Ministries. But they–and those with similar stories–are the reason Eagles Wings Ministries exists. Our goal is to come alongside people broken by addiction and offer hope in the person of Jesus Christ. We’re eager to provide individualized support and skill-building opportunities for people who are under-equipped for life in general. We’re excited about the vision of people grounded in the Word and confident of their identity in Christ, reaching out to help others. We’re thrilled about working in unity with other passionate Christ-followers including the Barnabas Volunteers who will mentor individuals in home-style residences.
Eagles Wings Ministries expects to open it’s doors this fall, Lord willing. There’s a lot of work to be done: remodeling, furnishing, recruiting Barnabas Volunteers, developing curriculum and policy and procedures. God has been equipping, preparing and providing and we’re confident that he will continue to provide where he’s leading. Several teams are standing by to help with remodeling and construction. But of course, money is needed for materials. We’re asking you to join us in prayer for our target goal of $4000 to complete the first residence and build an office for counseling with secure storage of confidential records.
Operational costs for Eagles Wings Ministries will be offset by the support which Barnabas Volunteers raise for their mission term. Even so, projections for operations are $220,000 annually for the first two years. This kind of cash outflow is typically accomplished by tax-exempt fund-raising.
Eagles Wings Ministries applied for 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status in April 2013. According to the IRS, our application falls into the category of “needs minor additional information.” A recent phone convo with an IRS representative informed us that no action has been taken since August 2013 as a specialist has not been assigned to the application. Here is a specific “move the mountain” prayer request: that God will liberate our tax-exempt application from whatever is blocking it so that fund-raising can commence for operation startup.
Thank you for praying–and don’t hesitate to ask for prayer! We will be happy to lift up your concerns as well. It’s an honor to serve the King with you.
May your joy be full!
Eagles Wings, Director