Greetings to all from beautiful rural Naukati where the rhubarb grows tall and our 8yo daughter can “smell the fish coming” on the coastal breeze. We hope you are all well and that your faith has been made stronger through these “trying times.”
Truthfully, we have not experienced significant hardships from either the virus or the quarantine. There was 1 case of covid on the island, 11 in Ketchikan. Quarantine was burdensome only as we weren’t able to meet together for a few weeks at the church. “Family groups” stretched a little to include “frequently seen neighbors”. We’ve started meeting at the church for the last 3 weeks. But sadly, some of our congregation hasn’t re-gathered yet. Some are understandably cautious because they experience compromised immune systems. Some may be afraid. Some may have become comfortable with isolation. We don’t know and we pray for renewed gathering and pray against fear and isolation.
Work on Eagles Wings (Myrn’s House, Eagles Nest) has gone on all year as usual, with adjustments to the weather. Steve’s hip surgery went well and he’s led an intrepid crew of laborers (Manny, Matthew, Paul G.) on those projects as well as his place–a complex marvel of architecture 😉 Ernie has gone as far as he can on the Nest. His hip surgery was delayed by the virus precautions but is now re-scheduled for June 9.
We expect a team lead by Earl Nash, and another from Roseburg Alliance; Friends of Eagles Wings, and a team from Nashville later in September. These are confirmed teams but the virus put constraints on some who had signed up but had to cancel.
Construction goals are to get Myrn’s house exterior finished, plumbing and electrical, and sheetrock done. For the Nest, construct a water/pump house and finish the plumbing;and electrical; the downstairs sheetrock taped, mudded and painted. Appliances installed. The Nest is needed not only for children of seekers, but to help provide housing for workers in the various ministries.
We continue to need personnel: Barnabas Volunteers, Counselor, Exec Director, Life Skills Coach, but also youth ministers. Only the BV’s have dedicated housing. As Ernie and I move into the Nest to serve an additional 4 children to Michael and Kayden, our current house will become available for workers’ residences. Housing shortage in Naukati is a real challenge. The vision for EWM hasn’t changed–it has expanded–emerging as a community dedicated to serving and building up one another.
Here’s a short clip from Anchorage Daily News as well as a link to learn more about travel:
“Now, with COVID-19 cases flat and the state’s phased reopening plan progressing, business people and travelers want to know the future of the travel mandate. Gov. Mike Dunleavy issued the order, known as Health Mandate 10, on March 23 and renewed it about a month later. The quarantine order is currently in place until May 19.
I hope this gives you a feel for our local micro-climate; our little corner of God’s vast but growing kingdom. Ask God if he has a place for you to serve in Naukati. There are job/work descriptions for all the positions listed. Inquiries are welcome!
We so much hope to see you this summer!!